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I have a few decks that I use for readings, I use the deck to which I’m drawn based on the question asked. You can see a sampling of these cards by clicking on the images below. If you would prefer a particular deck, please let me know when you order your Helpful Sage reading.


Bonefire Tarot


Pagan Tarot


Book of Shadows Tarot


Universal Waite Tarot


Robin Wood Tarot

Please check out What You Should Know before ordering at the bottom of this page, as well as My Ethics sections, particularly the part about phrasing your question. Decide what you want to ask and determine the best way to ask it. If you are having trouble phrasing your question, let me know. Please stick to one question or topic per reading, it's very difficult to answer multiple questions with a few cards.


Choose the size of the reading you'd like and click the Tarot Question Form button and send me your question, making sure that you include the email to which you want your reading sent. Please double check that your email address is correct.


Once I have received your information, I will contact you via email to let you know when your reading will be done and arrange payment.  I will try to get your reading done as quickly as possible but it may be a few days.  Readings will be sent to your email address in a PDF or Microsoft Word document so that you can refer back to it at your convenience. Audio readings can be scheduled if you prefer that format.

Three Card Reading

$15 USD


Three cards aren't many, but a surprising amount of information can be found here. Keep in mind that this is a very small reading, so it may be more appropriate for less complicated questions.

Five Card Reading

$25 USD


Five Cards are suitable for most types of questions or for a general reading.

Custom Reading

$40 USD


I will choose a spread based on your specific situation and question. This will generally fall between 3 and 7 cards.



A tarot reading can be like taking a photograph or holding up a mirror to your situation. It can show you things about the past and the direction in which you are currently heading. It can show you the most likely outcome if you continue on your current path. It can help to illuminate the underlying structure of a situation and allow you to see things from a different perspective. The Tarot does not cause anything to happen; it does not tell you what to do or make your choices for you. The future is not set in stone, we create it every day with the choices and decisions we make.


The type of answer you get from the cards depends almost completely on how you ask your question. A vague or confusing question will most likely result in a vague and confusing answer. Here are a few guidelines to help you.


  • Remember that the cards will not tell you what to do. Take responsibility for your decisions.

  • Focus on one situation in a reading. Asking about more than one thing at a time generally results in confusion and muddy answers.

  • Try to avoid yes/no questions. Tarot is not well suited for these types of questions. Rather than asking Will I get the job, it’s better to ask How can I improve my chances of getting the job.

  • Focus on yourself – you are the only one you can change. Asking about other people is intrusive and rarely helpful. Instead of asking Is my partner cheating on me, it’s better to ask What do I need to know about my relationship or What can I do to improve my relationship.

  • Be as positive as you can be – this will make you more likely to get an empowering answer. Rather than asking Why do things always happen to me, it’s better to ask What can I do to get the most out of this situation.

  • If you don’t have a specific question, you can get a general reading on one area of your life – career or relationship. Without a specific question however, you will get a more general and less specific answer.

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